01 October 2022

Download Canon Sustainability Report 2022

Canon Sustainability Report 2022 : Corporate Philosophy - Kyosei

Canon Sustainability Report 2022 : Corporate Philosophy - Kyosei

Canon Sustainability Report 2022
This report is designed to help various stakeholders understand Canon’s activities. In addition to information on our corporate performance, financial status, and initiatives in the field of ESG (Environmental, Social and corporate Governance), it contains a wide range of information required for an integrated report and sustainability report. In October 2021, Canon introduced its “Approach to Sustainability” and set forth the direction that Canon would like to take. In addition to providing additional information on efforts to respect human rights, this report explains our business strategies, intellectual property strategies, human resources strategies, financial strategies and activities that address materiality. This report is prepared in accordance with the GRI standards core option criteria and disclosing information in accordance with Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework. (Source: Canon Sustainability Report 2022-02)

Download Canon Sustainability Report 2022 PDF >>

Report Index
  • About this Report
  • Canon’s Corporate Philosophy
  • History of Canon
  • Canon Today
  • Financial and Non-financial Highlights
  • Message from the CEO

Policies and Strategies
  • Evolution of Business Plans
  • Canon’s COVID-19 Response
  • Approach to Sustainability
  • Contributing to a Sustainable Society
  • Materiality and SDGs202KB)Materiality-based Approach
  • Business Strategy(384KB)
  • Intellectual Property (IP) Strategy
  • Human Resources Strategy
  • Financial Strategy

Activity Report
  • Creating New Value and Solving Social Issues
  • Protecting and Conserving the Environment
  • Responding to People and Society as a Good Corporate Citizen
  • Human Rights and Labor
  • Product Responsibility
  • Social Contribution
  • Stakeholder Engagement

Management Foundation
  • Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and Executive Officers
  • Corporate Governance
  • Risk Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Intellectual Property Management
  • Brand Management

Data Summary/Corporate Information
  • Financial Data
  • Protecting and Conserving the Environment
  • Responding to People and Society as a Good Corporate Citizen
  • Third-party Opinion(66KB)Third-party Assurance
  • Company Overview