01 December 2022

Canon EOS R7 and EOS R10 – Which is for You?

 Canon EOS R7 and EOS R10 – Which is for You? - Official Canon Video

Canon EOS R7 and Canon EOS R10
Join Canon USA’s Rudy Winston and Drew MacCallum as they have a casual discussion about the merits of both the EOS R7 and EOS R10 cameras. Throughout their talk, they focus in on topics such as the benefits of using a camera with an APS-C sized sensor, tracking and autofocus, performance and speed, as well as the new quick control dial of the EOS R7. They also touch on which camera might be the best choice for you and why you would upgrade.
  • Benefits of APS-C
  • Tracking & Autofocus
  • EOS R7 Quick Control Dial
  • RF-S Lenses
  • Battery & Memory Cards
  • Performance & Shooting Speed
  • Electronic Shutter
  • Which Camera is for You?
  • Why Should I Upgrade?

Learn more about the EOS R7: https://canon.us/3TL3Eg9 

Learn more about the EOS R10: https://canon.us/3hMlIcq