01 September 2016

Making of the largest photograph in the world with a Canon EOS 70D DSLR

Making of the largest photograph (365 Gigapixel) in the world with a Canon EOS 70D / Canon EF 400mm f/2.8L II IS Lens (with Canon Extender 2X)

Click image to go to in2white interactive Mont Blanc Photography Project
Making of the largest photograph in the world with a Canon EOS 70D DSLR
Guinness World Record - the in2white panorama is officially the largest panorama in the world

Making of the largest photograph in the world (with Canon EOS 70D)

Italian photographer Filippo Blengini said the in2white project was inspired by the mountain itself.

'We just wished to represent it as it shows to our eyes : major beauty, astonishing magnitude, pure elation,' he said.

'We were brave, crazy and ambitious enough to think about a gigapanoramic picture, to seize every single detail of the mountain.'

The five-strong team spent two weeks in late 2014 at an altitude of 3500 metres (11,500 feet) enduring -10°C temperatures.

Using a Canon EF 400mm f/2.8L II IS Lens, a Canon 70D DSLR and a Canon Extender 2X III on a special robotic mount, they captured 70,000 photographs in every direction over 35 hours of shooting.

The project also plans to return to the area and add two more panoramas from different angles.

It will also allow users to add climbing tracks to the image, and even allow climbers to identify themselves in it.

'We wish to carry on our experience about the Mont Blanc, offering you more features and enthusiastic vision,' the team said.

Source / Read More: www.dailymail.co.uk