01 July 2024

Free Canon Online Shooting and Exposure Practice

Canon Online Exposure Practice : Canon Camera Simulator Software

Canon Online Shooting Practice:  Exposure Learning Software Application

Please Note: The website hosting this Canon Simulator is currently offline

Useful Free Camera Simulator Substitute
Exposure Simulator (Andersen Images) >>

Exposure Learning Software Application / Canon Camera Simulator

Take creative [manual] control of your Canon Camera
Canon offers an excellent and easy virtual way for DSLR and advanced compact camera owners to learn and understanding the manual exposure setting / process of digital photography.

Free Canon Shooting Simulation: Exposure practice for your DSLR / Compact camera
The Canon simulation software provides a practical and intuitive way to learn and apply the Exposure Triangle, different shooting modes (Manual / Shutter Priority / Aperture Priority) and to practice shots by changing the settings (and seeing the inter-relationship between ISO / Aperture / Shutter Speed). Visit the Canon website to practice Your Shots>>

Canon Photography Simulation:  Exposure Learning Software Application
Image: Canon
Canon Photography 101
Read and learn about digital camera exposure (via the Canon Camera Simulator) with specific learning reference to:
  • Understanding Exposure
  • Setting the mood
  • Selecting the focus
  • Setting the Exposure
  • Your shooting environment 

Canon Photography Tips

Official Canon photography Photography Tips and Tricks for the specific picture you want with reference about with specific tip / learning reference to:
  • Canon Priority Modes for controlling Shutter Speed / Aperture
  • Using Aperture Priority Mode
  • Using Shutter Priority Mode
  • Aperture / Shutter Speed combinations
  • Light and Exposure and Light

Canon Photo Challenge
Put your photography skills to the test and see if you could create a photo with good exposure, blur motion or blur the background. Take the Challenge>>

Canon Online Shooting Practice:  Free Exposure Learning Software Application
Canon Photo Challenge   Image Credit: Canon
A fun way of learning the process of digital photography from Canon.

Canon Image Source: www.canonoutsideofauto.ca

Canon Online Shooting Practice:  Free Exposure Learning Software Application
Canon Photo Challenge   Image Credit: Canon

Canon Camera Simulator